Below is a list of books, their titles and a little about what each book is about. There will be statements beneath each book that were given during role-play testing which will remain recorded here in this section (there will be other sections like it -- this will relieve me of all the piles of hard copies and notes which clutter my shelves):
Forbidden Knowledge:
Knowledge not given to common mortals, though mortals have read within the pages of this book. With the reading of forbidden things comes madness to common mortal minds. It is best they do not read the passages of this book. For this reason, it is sealed up. Only the Knowledge Master, or a Master Librarian may read and share the contents of this book.
"He reaches for a book. As he takes it from the shelf, he blows the dust from the entire surface of the tome. In black, flowing script upon the spine, it reads, "Forbidden Knowledge".